(03) 5336 2316 or 0457 811 440
105 Whitelaw Ave, Delacombe VIC 3356
As an education team and community we acknowledge that we work and play on Wathaurong land, showing respect to the traditional land owners of our region.
All educators value the uniqueness of each child and we are committed to fostering their self-esteem, sense of belonging and wellbeing, whilst also looking after their individual needs.
Our programs are play-based and value both indoor and outdoor learning environments as places to support children to develop decision making, inquiry and independence. Children are encouraged to play in an inclusive and respectful manner and to develop empathy for others.
We believe that looking at the whole child, in the way they learn and think and value the process of problem solving, negotiation, conflict resolution and view every child as an active and involved learner, and support the participation of their families and recognise that the child’s family is the child’s first teacher.
We are guided by the Victorian Learning and development framework and we support learning through investigation, dialogue and hearing the voice of the child.
We value our school community partners and work closely with them ensuring a reciprocal relationship to benefit each child.
Educators at Delacombe Community Kindergarten welcome family involvement and encourage you to be part of our kindergarten community. We understand and respect that each family comes with their own cultural experiences and history and we as educators also come with our own cultural and life experiences that we will draw on to support the learning of the children.