Black Hill Kindergarten provides a supportive and nurturing environment for children and their families. We provide positive experiences in a safe and stimulating environment that encourages children to achieve their capabilities under the Victorian Early Years Learning Framework.
Learning is an active process that must involve children’s engagement. Play has the amazing ability to stimulate and integrate a wide range of children’s interests; physical, social, creative and spiritual, while they share play experiences with caring supportive adults and other children.
Our educators work together towards achieving compassionate and professional relationships with the children. They acknowledge the importance of communicating and planning together to ensure the holistic care and education of each child.
Critical reflection and careful planning increase the value of each child’s education and as educators, we aspire to build strong, collaborative partnerships to achieve the best learning outcomes for each child.
Parents and extended families belong to our Kindergarten community and are always welcome. We encourage parents or guardians to support and contribute to the education and care of the children by becoming involved in the many learning celebrations we host throughout the year; including entertaining concerts to celebrate community events and customs such as Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Grandparent’s Days and Christmas.
Sustainability is integrated into our daily activities with the continual use of the words Reuse, Reduce and Re-cycle. We use an everyday practical approach which allows our children to become aware of sustainability in their lives which will influence the quality of life now and for future generations. We collect our daily unwanted food scraps and they are either fed to our rabbit Miffy or it goes home to families who have family pets such as hens, rabbits or goats to be used as food for them.
We recycle family’s cardboard boxes and containers to make creations at the construction table beginning second term and we use the schools recycle skip for some of our recyclables such as cardboard. We have a garden and together we plant food items, mainly vegetables that can be eaten or used as food for Miffy. Children are encouraged to plant, water and care for our growing plants in our garden. They also learn to wait and wonder, making predictions about our plants while they grow before their eyes.