At BEE we feel very strongly that families are vital partners, alongside educators and other children, in helping our children learn and develop.
Warm, open, honest, respectful and timely interactions with families are highly valued. We seek to provide families with as much information as we can about what we are doing, why we are doing it, and what it means for children We strongly encourage families to share their ideas, thoughts, concerns and questions with our team as much as possible.
We treasure our connection to the natural world, and seek to create and promote sustainability.
We encourage as much time as possible in the outdoors in all weather, and find ways to cherish and learn from the natural world around us. We aim to instil within children a desire to care for and support the environment in which we live.
We view children as important members of a broader community, and support their development as active and informed citizens.
We help children to develop skills in how to be part of a community, including listening and responding appropriately to others, and understanding the consequences of actions on others. We encourage and actively support the formation of friendships. Collaboration between families, educators, schools and other community supports help us support children as their identities, knowledge, understandings, dispositions, capabilities, skills and relationships change over time.
Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures are acknowledged, respected and valued.
We show respect through actions such as a daily Acknowledgement of Country, and by incorporating learnings from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture, such as using local language words, by viewing traditional and modern art practices, or by learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander methods of caring for country.
Early childhood education is about giving children time to seek and make meaning of the world
The present is just as important for children as is the past or the future. We support slow pedagogy, in which educators take time to ‘dive deep’ with children, taking the time to return again and again to interests, ideas, or experiences and explore them in depth rather than fleetingly rushing from one experience to another.
We value flexible routines that respect children’s needs.
Educators understand the importance of taking time to be with children, to sit with them and to spend time in the moment, listening to them and sharing thoughts and ideas. It also means that we are not run by the clock, but rather we allow time for children to engage in periods of uninterrupted play, ensuring our transitions and routines, such as meal times, support and not interrupt this learning and play.
We observe and document children’s learning in meaningful ways
We use photos and written documentation in respectful ways, to support reflection of, and planning for, children’s ongoing learning. We share this with children where possible.
We value critical reflection and continuous improvement
Best practice and quality outcomes underpin our practice, supported by a strong culture of critical reflection. Current research, theories and understandings are considered and applied as appropriate to our service. We treasure feedback from families, community, children, other educators, and management, in helping to continue our own growth.